Senor Salami & Senorita Kira
On your arrival, it is very likely that you will be greeted by Senor Salami and Senorita Kira. Salami is very laid back and relaxed, most of all he likes his smoking jacket & pipe. Kira is a bit more lively and likes to chase pine cones around the garden. Both are rescue dogs, Salami was found by a friend when he was a puppy and lived with her until we adopted him a couple of years ago.. Kira (photos to follow) came to us in 2023 when she was 18 months after having a litter of pups. She was very undernourished and needed love and attention. If she bothers you just tell her to go away.
Throughout your stay, Salami will appear (usually at meal times) to check on your comfort and ensure that you have only purchased the finest jamon and other produce from the local markets. Kira will present you with pine cones to be thrown for a game, throw once and pay the penalty!!!
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